Don't Be A Part of the 90% Keep Your Body Safe.
If you are over 50 and play pickleball, then you have a 90% chance of getting injured. Those are terrible odds. At Bean’s Fitness we will help YOU bulletproof your body and beat the statistic.

Protect Your Ankles
Your ankle stability plays a major role in your pickleball matches. Without strong ankles, people trip and land themselves in a hospital. Without proper preparation, a fun game can turn into your biggest nightmare. At Beans Fitness we teach you to BE FIT and take matters into your own hands. We aim to help you keep playing using strength training to greatly reduce your risk for injury.

Save Your Knees
Protecting against knee injuries, like an ACL sprain, revolves around strengthening every muscle around the knee. The stronger the muscles and better they are equipped to help you decelerate, the likelihood of an injury continues to decline. We help you to BE FIT by targeting those muscles and preparing you for the movements that pickleball requires.

Control Your Movements
Stay agile on the pickleball court with our BE FIT program. Enhance balance, agility, and strategic movements to reduce the risk of accidents. Elevate your game confidently, knowing you’re protected against falls.

Guard Your Rotator Cuff
The BE FIT approach takes shoulder pain into consideration with your strength training program. We will teach your arm to move seamlessly across your body without that pesky pain that keeps gnawing at you during a game. We strengthen your scapular stability, proper thoracic rotation, and overhead stability to make sure that your pain is tackled.

Strengthen Your Core
Defend against back pain on the pickleball court. The BE FIT program strengthens your core, improves your flexibility, and refines your technique for a pain-free game. Upgrade your play – join us to fortify your body and savor every moment on the court.
Tailored PickleBall Strength Training
Revolutionize your pickleball performance with our strength training programs. Be Fit is not just a motto; it’s our commitment to enhancing your agility, power, and endurance on the court.
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just picking up a paddle, our targeted workouts will enhance your abilities. Join us in the pursuit of pickleball excellence, power your game, and BE FIT for victory.
Receive Expert Guidance
Dominate the pickleball court with our expert insights. At Bean’s Fitness, we understand the games nuances, and our tips are tailored to elevate your skills.
BE FIT for success, master your strategies, and join us in the pursuit of peak pickleball performance. Conquer the court with confidence and precision.